Thursday, October 26, 2017

Pain control war

This war against us is weighing heavily.  I feel as if every Doctor, Politician or Government agency that inhibits or denies pain medication to chronic sufferers is complicit in their suicides. They ought to be sued for every death, that their lack of compassion creates.

People who want to get high arent just doing it off legal scripts. Street drugs will always prevail. Perhaps some discerment in prescribing is needed.

I laugh everytime I read some idiot commenting on how its doctors faults for being opiate pill mills. Dude I want that doctor.

 In my lifetime of experience, I have yet to meet a doctor who will prescribe actual pain meds for chronic pain. Shit I cant even get them to pour lidocaine into my bladder.

I realize my situation is not unique. I almost dread logging into an IC forum these days. Why? Because people are giving up after being cold turkeyed from meds that were giving them some relief.

It is SICKENING that we are being BETRAYED by the medical field.

After an encounter with a doctor who pushed Mybetriq at me and got angry when it didnt work,  I researched her. Only to find out she was getting a kickback for that med. $20,000 to prescribe it.

Another doctor who pushed Lyrica, knowing that Gabapentin made me ill, has gotten $37,000.

When the Lyrica made me sick he tried to push Celebrex, which guess what he got $42,000 to push. A med I had already a severe reaction too. He did not bother to read how it caused me to suffer oral and vaginal blistering.

That is not practicing medicine, that is being a drug vendor.

I am absolutely fed up with the malpractice and abuse.


  1. Dear Naomi, A few day ago I commented regarding the post on the 24th. You were about to give up. I was so moved by it I wrote you a whole story. When I tried to post it it wouldn't post. I lost it and felt terrible. I'm going to write it again where I can save it so it doesn't happen again. Look for it from Donna Massa. Also go to Google and type in this title. Living With Chronic IC & Chronic Pelvic And Sexual Pain Disorders. You will see at the top a YouTube dance video I produced in 2013. Please view it, it starts silent wait until Lori takes center stage. Also be sure you look at the end for the credits. I will write that comment again and post it to you...

  2. Thank you Donna for taking time to read and comment. I appreciate it.
