Thursday, October 26, 2017

Pain control war

This war against us is weighing heavily.  I feel as if every Doctor, Politician or Government agency that inhibits or denies pain medication to chronic sufferers is complicit in their suicides. They ought to be sued for every death, that their lack of compassion creates.

People who want to get high arent just doing it off legal scripts. Street drugs will always prevail. Perhaps some discerment in prescribing is needed.

I laugh everytime I read some idiot commenting on how its doctors faults for being opiate pill mills. Dude I want that doctor.

 In my lifetime of experience, I have yet to meet a doctor who will prescribe actual pain meds for chronic pain. Shit I cant even get them to pour lidocaine into my bladder.

I realize my situation is not unique. I almost dread logging into an IC forum these days. Why? Because people are giving up after being cold turkeyed from meds that were giving them some relief.

It is SICKENING that we are being BETRAYED by the medical field.

After an encounter with a doctor who pushed Mybetriq at me and got angry when it didnt work,  I researched her. Only to find out she was getting a kickback for that med. $20,000 to prescribe it.

Another doctor who pushed Lyrica, knowing that Gabapentin made me ill, has gotten $37,000.

When the Lyrica made me sick he tried to push Celebrex, which guess what he got $42,000 to push. A med I had already a severe reaction too. He did not bother to read how it caused me to suffer oral and vaginal blistering.

That is not practicing medicine, that is being a drug vendor.

I am absolutely fed up with the malpractice and abuse.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


 Here it is mid October of 2017. I have had 2 botox procedures. A failed pudenal block. I have had right and left side medial branch blocks.

I reduced my diet to pumpkin only for weeks to try and alkalize my body. My urine ph is always acidic.

 I have been through 6 urologists and 3 "pain" management docs. One who thought lyrica would be good. NO. Just no. What a horrible drug, then he tried to put me back on Elmiron and Elavil. Fuck off dude, or go read my extensive record.

The pain manager he referred me to only works on the spine and only does nerve block injections. No help for a bladder there.

  I had to fire my primary for her refusal to refer me to a better urologist clinic. I finally got into John Hopkins pelvic pain management. The pudenal block was my last ditch effort.

Since NO doctor is willing to truly assist with pain beyond injections, I have decided I will pursue bladder removal. I can not imagine feeling any worse than I currently do. It has been weeks since I have had any decent sleep. I can not do this life anymore.

I am absolutely fed up with the corrupt medical system. DEA interference. CDC stupidity.

The only reason this country is in an opiod crisis is because they refuse to prescribe meds to people who actually need them.

I have contacted state lawmakers, federal lawmakers, even the POTUS. You know what you get in return? Some pandering "opiates are only a mask" response.

You know what? Unless you have a bacterial infection, ALL meds are a fucking mask. Insulin does not cure diabetes. Prozac does not cure depression. Adderal does not cure adhd. So for anyone who says opiates are mask in response to my pursuit, I say then trade me bladders. I will glady take yours and let you jaunt down this cursed path of misery.